If At First You Don’t Succeed..


I miss my blog. I miss you all. I promise to be back soon- hopefully tomorrow!

Life has just been a bit CRAZY lately.

Oh, just to let you know, I did not pass my test 😦 But I found out that the passing rate is only 28%…so I tried not to feel too bad. All you can do is get yourself back up again & go from there. I have my re-take scheduled for December 21st. *I’m hoping to make that my Christmas present- by passing the test! 🙂

I hope all is well!! I’m catching up on my blog reading now, I’m beyond behind- my reader is at 200+! AHHHH! So, sorry for the lack of commenting, I promise to catch up..to the best of my ability 🙂

Be back with some awesome new recipes & a little re-cap of my life lately!


And to make you smile- a few cute pictures 🙂 (my Dad sent me an email with most of these in it & I figured they would make you smile too)