Sweaty Lunch Break!

Happy Monday!!

Thank you for all of your comments on my post yesterday about living with Crohn’s disease. Sometimes it can be quite the challenge, but I really do try to keep my head up, it’s the only way to be πŸ˜€

This morning Craig & I decided to sleep in. We were both just kind of feeling blah, especially after that Ravens loss 😦 , so we took the morning & caught up on some sleep. At first I was like, we really should go..but then I figured I should listen to my body instead…which was yelling at me to sleep…so I obliged πŸ™‚

I got ready with a smile on my face (gotta start Mondays off on the right note) and then headed to work. Once I got to work, I made myself some delicious oats.
In the mix:
-1/2 cup old fashioned oats
-1/2 banana, cut up
-1/2 scoop vanilla protein powder
-LOTS of cinnamon
-about 1 tsp. peanut butter
-3/4 cup water

served up in a cup- just right!

I enjoyed these with some morning coffee.

****To make your coffee even more delicious, sprinkle some cinnamon in with the grounds before you brew it. You’ll LOVE it, well, if you love cinnamon..and well, I have to admit I have a mild obsession with cinnamon! I put it on nearly everything!****

Now on to the fun part. Since I missed my workout this morning, I figured that I would bring my workout clothes and if I felt like it, then go for a workout in our office gym during my lunch break. This whole morning I have been feeling extra spunky, maybe from the extra sleep?.., so I figured I would use some of that energy for my lunch time workout.

Here’s some pictures of the gym at work- this was my first time using it:

1 treadmill (farthest away), 2 ellipticals & one stationary bike

weight equipment...no free weights 😦

Not too bad for a place to work out at during lunch, huh!? I was pretty impressed. Honestly I’m just impressed that we have a mini gym to workout in- it’s open around 7am & doesn’t close until like 8pm. I mean, I still have my gym membership at Anytime Fitness that I LOVEEEEE but this is a great option just in case I don’t feel like going in the morning.

Hi guys!!! (excuse the TOTAL nerd look- haha!)

Here’s what I did- I got the idea from Jessica’s at home cardio blast.

5 min. warm up on treadmill- run/ jog at 7.0

Here is the circuit:
-50 jumping jacks
-20 alternating lunges
-10 tuck jumps (2nd round: 10 butt kick jumps or rockstar jumps)
-20 squats
-25 Step ups (each leg)
-10 squat jumps
-10 burpees with jump at the end
-25 plie squats
-15 rear delt rows
-25 push ups
-60 sec. plank hold


5 minutes on the elliptical

ab work- 50 bench tuck crunches, 15 pike crunches, 25 (each) bicycle crunches

Not too bad forΒ a lunch time workout! Another great thing about the gym at work is that there is NEVER any body in there! One of the girls that works in my office said that it is ALWAYS dead!! So, that’s always good- I can do all of my crazy jumping around & no one will give me weird looks πŸ˜‰

Bad part: There is like NO a/c in there. Well, there is A/c but not enough for a gym that is intended for people to use during their lunch break…and then GO BACK TO WORK! Oh boy, I didn’t INTEND to get that sweaty…but I didn’t want to have to slack on my workout..so I just kind of said, eh whatever!

got a little bit sweeeeattttyyy...oopsy! πŸ˜‰

The picture doesn’t do it justice…I really was pretty sweaty after this workout- quite a heart pounding one- I LOVED it! So WORTH the sweaty-ness of the workout. Thankfully there weren’t really many clients coming in today, so it all kind of worked out πŸ™‚

With a little bit of deodorant, some Bath & Body works spray, some fixing of the hair & face- I was as good as new πŸ˜€

& post workout- once again, ignore the cheesy smile πŸ˜€

That pretty much wraps it up!

Well, here, I’ll show you my lunch..even though you are BEYOND over it I’m sure πŸ˜‰

you know it- the pre yogurt mess πŸ˜€

Monday is ALMOST over- less than 2 hours til it’s time to head home- woooohooo! πŸ˜€

Tell me: What’s your favorite quick workout? Do you ever workout at lunch? Does your office building have a gym in it?

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  1. My company has a full on gym (with classes even) across the street that’s free to employees. I typically don’t use that gym though as it’s busiest right at lunch or after work. I do go home and do weights frequently though. It’s great to have that options isn’t it?!

    • Totally thought of you when I was working out today- I know you love your lunch time workouts πŸ˜€

  2. LOVE your idea of the cinnamon in the coffee grounds – never even thought of that one! πŸ™‚

  3. I put all sorts of spices in my coffee grounds. It is such an awesome idea. I’m glad your work place has a gym-and a decent one at that. I would take full advantage of it and get my sleep in the morning hehe. πŸ™‚

  4. Liz @ Blog is the New Black

     /  September 20, 2010

    I wish we had a gym at work! Do you have a shower, too? I’d be totally unpresentable after a workout without a shower!!! Good for you, though.

    • There is a shower- which is nice & a built in the wall hair dryer- like in hotel rooms! Not too shabby πŸ˜€

  5. Oh cinnamon in the coffee sounds good! And how nice to have the option to workout at lunch. I never could do that when I was working.

    • It’s a great option! Even though I don’t plan to use it much, it’s a great just-in-case option!! πŸ™‚

  6. I’ve been doing the cinn in coffee grounds for years :). Psumpkin pie spice is another fab option!

  7. My work does not have a gym, although I think many people would enjoy having one!

    My favorite quick workout is like the one you did: I just do different circuits to keep my heart rate up and I’m moving the whole time. If I need some structure I’ll do one of the 30 Day Shred circuits or I’ll do a short TurboFire (20 min) dvd.


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