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  • November 2011
    M T W T F S S

She Read It Wrong.

Hey Guys!

I’m still here, I promise! 🙂

Like I said in my previous post work has just been really busy..and I’m dedicating pretty much all of my free time to studying for my Series 65 exam. My days are literally: get up at 5am, go to the gym, get ready for work, work for 8 hours, come home & study for my series 65, go to bed. Good times, huh?! 😉 Passing that exam will SURE be worth all of this time though.

I’m not sure if you follow me on Twitter, but the other morning I ‘tweeted’ that I was not sure how personal was TOO personal to put on a blog post. Well, after tweeting back & forth with Alyssa, she told me to go for it.

People ask me why I have a blog, and honestly the main reason is that I LOVE getting people’s advice on different things…or hearing about a similar circumstance that they are going through..and how they are dealing with it. I have learned some great things & also made some great friends in the process. (Hi Liz & Steph 🙂 ) I am hoping that by sharing this situation with you, that maybe you or someone you know has gone through this, or has some advice.

So, here goes 🙂 About 2 weeks ago I went for my annual ‘women’s check up’ exam. Whenever I go to the doctor I always freak out. No matter what. I just freak out. I swear they are going to tell me that I am dying or something crazy like that. I don’t know why. Even when I just go in for something stupid I still FREAK out. I’m just a big worry wart, so it’s no surprise that this makes me insane.

As my doctor (who I LOVE – seriously, she is the BEST. If you live in Orlando or near by & need a good ‘girl doctor,’ let me know & I will send you her information) was doing my exam she said she felt a cyst on my ovary. (Again, sorry if you think this is TMI) At first (of course) I start freaking out & ask a million questions.

My doctor tells me to calm down, and that she is just being overly cautious because of the BRCA gene that I have. There is actually a cyst on my ovary, but she thought it was just a cyst that would eventually go away on it’s own. (most of them do) She told me that she was going to order an ultrasound for me, and just to go whenever I could.

I had my ultrasound a week ago. First let me tell you that ‘prepping’ for the ultrasound was kind of terrible because you have to have a FULL bladder. You have to drink 32oz. one hour before the exam..and you cannot pee. Lovely, right?! The girl told me during the exam that I really didn’t need to drink the whole 32oz. of water since I drink a TON of water throughout the day. I actually had to get up from the ultrasound & pee THREE times. THREE times in a matter of 30 minutes. She saw my bladder on the ultrasound & was like OH MY GOSH you have such a full bladder..I can’t believe how quickly your bladder fills up! Ha! So, I can now say that I really DO have the bladder the size of a pea 😉

Ok, back to the ultrasound. She told me that she could see a cyst on one of my ovaries, but that everything else looked good.

I called my doctor’s office on Tuesday to find out if the results were ready. They transferred to a lady that works in the ‘lab’ department so that she could give me my results. This is what she told me: “The results are back. You have cysts (PLURAL) on both of your ovaries AND in your fallopian tubes.” I thought I was going to have a heart attack. Or that I was going to just crumble into a ball. I felt like I was going to get sick. My head started RACING, thinking of everything that could be wrong. Will I ever be able to have children? Is this a sign of ovarian cancer? Do I need surgery?

The girl on the phone was absolutely NO help & so rude. I asked her if she could give me some kind of explanation, or just offer me SOME kind of advice. (like if they see this alot, if this could be a sign of cancer, etc) She just kept telling me that they were sending me a referral. I KNOW you are sending me a referral…but how in the world do I keep myself SANE in the mean time?!

I hung up the phone with her & had a break down. I just started crying at my desk at work. My mind was going a MILE a minute. I started ‘Googling’ EVERYTHING. (Bad decision. I swear only the WORST situations come up.) Then I told Craig. He was the best- he just told me we would get through it, and that I would be fine. If I needed to have surgery, he would be right there by my side.

After barely sleeping that night, I decided to contact my doctor directly, rather than just letting my mind stew. So I emailed her, and about 10 minutes later she called me. (told you she is the BEST! & she legitimately CARES about her patients) I explained what the girl told me on the phone- about having cysts on my ovaries & on my fallopian tubes. My doctor was like “WHAT!? That is not right. She must of read the results wrong.” HUH?! Is this a joke?!

She said, “yes you have a few cysts on your ovaries. But there is only one that I need you to get checked out by a gynecologist. The other ones are fine, they should collapse in a few months. And you do NOT have any cysts in your fallopian tubes.” I could have cried I was so happy at that moment. I also asked her if the one cyst (it is a complex or complicated cyst- just appears abnormal, rather than circular) would cause any fertility issues, and she told me no. (YAY!)

She said that she was just really following up with the results of the ultrasound & referring me to a gynecologist because of my family history. She thinks it’s really nothing, but just to be 100% sure, she wants me to go to a gyno.

WHAT A RELIEF! I could not stop smiling. It was a HUGE concern lifted off my shoulders.

I am going to a gynecologist on Wednesday to follow up about this cyst. I’m hoping & praying that it’s nothing..and that it will just go away on it’s own. I’m so glad that it turned out to be just the wrong results. I also wish that the girl that read the results to me had been a little nicer on the phone…or just offered some kind of assistance.

Kind of helps put things into perspective, ya know? Don’t take anything for granted…life is a gift. Your life could change in a SECOND…so just make sure you are living each day to the fullest potential…and staying in contact with your loved ones. You never know when it could change.

I hope to be back writing my usual posts soon! In the mean time, I hope you don’t mind that they will be kind of sporadic. I’m also not reading a lot of blogs lately either…just due to minimal time- so please don’t be offended if I haven’t been commenting as much. I still love you all 🙂

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  1. So glad that all will turn out OK! Can’t believe that person on the phone was so rude – sounds like she doesn’t know how to put herself in someone else’s shoes. Good luck on your studying and busy days!

  2. wow, what a roller coaster, Holly! That was so smart of you to email her instead of worrying inside your head. Googling medical problems is the WORST. glad she made you feel better and hoping for the best for you at the gynecologist.


  3. That is definitely scary!! I’ve had an ultrasound before and seriously the lady said they same thing “oh my gosh your bladder is SO full” haha. But my mom actually had a cyst and one doctor said it was no biggie but another said she needed surgery. Eventually she got the surgery and everything is fine now, but we’re still not sure if she ever really needed it. I guess it was better to be safe. I hope you feel okay, don’t stress! I think you will be fine 🙂

  4. Andrea

     /  November 3, 2011

    I went through a similar situation with some blood work. I called to get the results and spoke to a nurse who could not answer any of my questions. You are very lucky that you have such a good Dr who was kind of enough to call you and explain things. I was not so lucky my Dr. never called me just kept having nurses go back and forth with me.Needless to say I no longer go to that Dr anymore. As for the cyst I later found out I had one too mine ending up being not big deal and I am sure yours will to!

  5. Wow, crazy story!! But I’m glad everything is OK now. I’ve heard similar stories from my friends before, and it just blows me away the lack of consideration some people have!

    Good luck studying for your exam!!!

  6. oh Holly, thats such a pain. I can’t believe she read it wrong. I’ve had to do the ultrasound twice and no one wants bad news after those. SO glad your doctor told you!! Removing the cysts are like removing moles, pretty quick and not too painful. Keep us posted!

  7. Oh my goodness, what a scare you poor thing! I am so happy the results are far less scarier and manageable. It sounds like you *do* have a fabulous doctor.

    But it’s moments like these that make us take pause and truly think. I know it’s different, but when I first didn’t know if this little yolk sac meant I had a baby in me or the start of a miscarriage, it put everything in perspective and I simply just wished and prayed to have a healthy baby. The little stuff in life didn’t matter as much.

  8. Wow that is crazy! I’m glad to know you are doing well though and it wasn’t anything serious. 🙂

  9. Yikes, what a scare!! That’s awful to think that something like this could happen. But, it’d be more awful for it to be true, so I guess you have that to be thankful for? Still… glad to hear everything’s alright!

    You should probably make yourself some pumpkin gingerbread or funky donuts in your donuts pan to de-stress after this one 😉

  10. Oh my gosh that is so scary! I’m glad that everything is okay…and that women needs to take a page out of the “be nice to patients” book!

  11. Rach @ This Italian Family

     /  November 3, 2011

    Oh girl, that’s just terrifying. I’m the same way about going to the doctor – always terrified of getting bad news. Anyway, I hope the cyst goes away all on it’s own!!

    • Rach @ This Italian Family

       /  November 3, 2011

      And I’m so sorry about the girl who read the results to you – that really is awful! I’m glad that it’s not as serious as she made it sound!

  12. omg holly – that is so scary!! i cant believe she read the results wrong – what a relief – but very questionable about this girl!

  13. Keep us posted Holly!!! I will be thinking about you!

  14. omg what a roller coaster events! please keep the blog updated! this was such a great story to put out there because so many girls go through things like this!

  15. How scary is that?! Google always turns out the worst hypochondriac scenarios! Smart idea to talk directly to your doctor and get some real answers.

    Try not to be too worried in the meantime. Cysts are pretty common occurrences. I had a larger than usual one back in high school and it was uncomfortable but it went away pretty quickly.

  16. Oh Wow, I can’t believe that girl! Geeeez. Everything will be okay, Holly. Don’t worry! I will be praying for you 🙂

  17. Wow, what a scare! I’m glad things are OK though. And seriously, some people just should NOT work in health care. I’ve dealt with numerous heath care workers who are just rude and seem to have no empathy towards others.

    I’m so happy things are OK!! Take care!

  18. Trina

     /  November 16, 2011

    By no means am I a “lab result reporter” or condoning someone being rude to you on the phone, but the people telling you the results likely are not allowed to make inferences or diagnose you with anything. The person telling you what results were found may not be a qualified person to reassure you or tell you what those results exactly mean. Liability could become an issue in that instance. She was probably just doing her job and has some limitations to what she can say to you (albeit maybe she wasn’t as nice/friendly as she could have been), your primary physician/gynecologist or specialist in that area can give you more information on the results and how they pertain to you specifically, as their patient. I hope everything turns out well and that you’re as healthy as can be!

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