Christmas Re-Cap

Hi Guys!!! 😀
How are ya?!?! I’m SO sorry to have been away from my computer for so long, but honestly I am without MUCH of my technology. Not only did I NOT bring my computer, but I also FORGOT my cell phone!! GRRRR! Ten days without a cell phone is going to be one HECK of a challenge…but I’m already half way thru.

Let me first tell you about the WORST morning at the airport that I have EVER had.- which was my flight out to Maryland on December 23rd.

My brother in law so kindly offered to take me to the airport for my flight at 8am, which meant I had to be at the airport around 6am. First I got up around 4:30am to get ready quickly & head their house. (remember they are the ones that JUST had my nephew on December 16th 🙂 )
Anyways, we get to the airport & as soon as I walk in I realize that I LEFT my phone in the car. I start some what freaking out…and head straight to the pay phones (can you even believe they still have pay phones?!), since I knew I would be too late to catch Hank. (my brother in law) I first try calling Craig to see if he could call Hank, since he has the number…but no luck- as I figured- he was sleeping. Then I call my parents…again, no luck. After losing my 75 cents, YES, it is NOW 75 cents to make a PAY phone call- I quickly run to the nearest Southwest person I can find. I immediately start crying when I tell the guy what has happened because I am freaking out. I don’t have a cell phone, no one answered AND I’m out of quarters. He quickly calms me down & just says to go ahead & check in, since the line is really long & he doesn’t want me to miss my flight & that as soon as I check in I can use the phone at Southwest.

After checking in, I asked him if it was ok if I go ahead & go thru security..since that line was long too…and if I just use the Southwest phone at the gate. He said that was perfect & he would let them know I was coming. Ok, so I’m pretty calm at this point. Of course I am thinking of my back up plan in my head…just in case Craig can’t reach me. I’m like, ok I know his parents address, I can always take a taxi & all of these other random ideas.

As soon as I get to the front of security, where they check to see if your boarding pass matches your ID (another LONNNNNG line), the security guard informs me that I do not have a boarding pass. I’m like, ‘are you serious?! That is ALL that they gave me at the check in counter.’ Apparently he just gave me the papers to pick up my bags.(& it so happened that the SAME thing happened to the people RIGHT behind me in line) Again, the tears start rolling..I’m afraid I’m not going to be able to call because I will be late to my flight. The security guard tells me just to run back to Southwest, get a boarding pass, and that he would see me if I go off to the side.

I run back to Southwest, go to the same guy that helped me with the phone crisis, he gets me a boarding pass & I run back to security. OF COURSE the guy doesn’t see me- there are like a million people- so I immediately look for another security guard. He tells me just to go thru the airport employee/ pilot/ flight attendant line & that would be fine. (FINALLY something goes my way)

I get thru security, get to my gate, call Craig & leave him a voice mail- hoping for the best (the AWESOME lady at the gate just told me to use her cell phone), finally grab Starbucks. (ahhhhhh!) I made it to my gate with about 15 minutes to spare…PERFECT. I board the plane…and immediately the poor little boy sicking next to me starts throwing up 😦 Poor thing. But it kind of just TOPPED this whole morning off!!

& THAT is my airport morning from H-E-L-L!

I make it to Maryland after a very bumpy flight- lots of wind..but, honestly not too bad. I find Craig- YAYYYYYY- and we were off to his parents house.

^that would be me SO HAPPY to finally make it there in one piece 🙂

I was STARVING when I landed, lots of coffee & no breakfast….so he took me to my favorite little Italian deli in BelAir, MD (which is where he is from). The deli is called Savona’s; it is AWESOME. Nearly everything is imported & all authentic. This is one of my FAVORITE reasons to come to Maryland…SERIOUSLY- it’s that good.  We spent the rest of the day just finishing up some last minute shopping. I also got a nice workout in before dinner- it felt good to loosen up after one crazy morning!

On Christmas Eve Craig & I woke up early & decided to hit the gym. Another reason that I LOVE Anytime Fitness is that they really are EVERYWHERE & you can use your membership @ any location in the WORLD. We both got out workouts in & headed home for a nice breakfast. We headed to his Uncle Tommy’s house around 1pm so that we could all do Christmas with his Mom’s side of the family.

(Craig’s Mom is opening the gift, his Uncle Tommy is in the chair & his Aunt Terri is standing)

Craig & his cousin

Steph opening presents.

After dinner at their house, we came back- I took a nap- I was SO tired…and then we went to midnight mass. I’m surprised I made it that late- way past my bedtime.

Time for opening presents 🙂
Then we headed to Craig’s Dad’s Aunt’s house- that is where they spend Christmas.
& We had a WHITE Christmas!!

Can you see the snowflakes?!?! They are perfect.

Everyone opened lots of gifts! (I got a new Jessica Simpson purse from Steph- you’ll see it in some pictures, a Sonicare toothbrush- LOVE those & some other cool things.)

undies for Craig.

Family picture-

(as you can see- I was FREEZING the whole time. I didn’t even take my coat off)

Followed by dinner of Ravioli- it’s their family tradition to have that instead of a ‘traditional’ Christmas dinner. It was a great day! 🙂 Although, I have to say, I did miss my family. It was my first Christmas without them. But thank goodness Craig has a cell phone- I called them & got to talk to all of them for a while 🙂

Now- here’s just a TINY preview of some other things I need to tell you about- I just don’t want this post to get TOOOO long…

Now I’m off to TRY to catch up on my favorite blogs. It’s hard for me to read all of them & comment back. But I am thinking of you all & miss everyone’s posts! xoxo

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  1. Amanda G.

     /  December 28, 2010

    Hey girl! Love your blog. I’m also planning a wedding and love your recaps 🙂

    I just have to comment on your hair – didn’t you get it cut like a month ago? It looks like it has doubled in length??? I’m so jealous!!

  2. Chesapeake-that’s where I’m from hehe.

    Anywho-I’m sorry about your flight but happy you made it! WOO! I’m glad you are having a good time in MD. Is there a crazy amount of snow there? There is here and it’s awful. I never take my jacket off either and it drive my parents nuts.

  3. So glad you made it to MD and enjoyed your Christmas! Hope you enjoy the rest of your trip!

    Merry Christmas!!

  4. Liz @ Blog is the New Black

     /  December 28, 2010

    So glad you made it there, despite your hellish morning! That’s terrible. And no cell phone? I’d DIE. I am attached to mine. You look beautiful in the pics, as always- but I’m so conufsed, didn’t you just cut your hair in a bob?!?!

  5. what a rough morning! you poor thing! on the other hand, your jacket looks adorable on you. we are pea coat twins !!! 🙂

  6. did I miss something? I thought you cut your hair and it was shorter?!

    Flying is such a pain. I’m glad you made it!

  7. OH MY GOSH! you poor thing!! that sounds horrible!!!! AHHHH. maybe thats a blessing to be away from technology tho? haha.. maybe? trying to make light of it here!
    that coat looks BEAUTIFUL on your pretty eyes!

  8. Holls you are so beautiful!!!! I can’t believe your airport experience and that you are going to go that long without your phone. That’s craaaazy.

    I’m also so impressed that you can use an anytime fitness membership at any of their locations. That’s awesome.

  9. Wow!
    It seems like you’ve really had an amazing time with Craig (expect for the airport madness.. haha)
    Such lovely pictures 🙂

  10. Aw, airport drama is the WORST! Glad you persevered!

  11. I’m glad everything turned out okay with your flight. I can imagine how stressful all of that could be. I would have been a basket case by the time I reached MD!

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