E-Reader For Me!


Please tell me it’s not just me, but did you Dashboard on WordPress change too? (If you have WordPress, that is! πŸ™‚ ) Mine looks a bit different, more modern/ updated…I think that’s the correct words πŸ˜‰

Anyways, you know I have to say it because it only happens once– ONE WEEK UNTIL I’m GETTING MARRIED!!! πŸ˜€ Can you tell I’m just a bit excited?! I can’t even begin to describe the feeling- it is beyond exciting actually! This weekend is going to be VERY busy.

I have my hair trial tomorrow. I waited kind of until last minute on that one, only because I REALLY REALLY trust my hair stylist- she ROCKS! Seriously, the best hair stylist ever.Β I’m amazed at how FAST my hair is growing- she has recommended the best products for my hair type & has been doing all sorts of treatments to it. Here is what I’m thinking of doing:

With no flowers though, sunflowers would be too big & my veil has a special clip on it that will be seen. What do you think of it? I definitely need to have something with my hair off of my shoulders…I mean it IS FloridaΒ & even though our ceremony & reception are inside, we will be doing a lot of pictures outside.

Tomorrow I will be getting my high lights touched up too & a little trim. Then it’s time for the hair & make up trial! I will try to take a few pictures of my hair so that you can see what it looks like on me..and then you can give me your honest opinion!

This weekend Craig & I are also doing some stuff- like working on our dances,….and I HAVE got to memorize my vows!! Since we are NOT doing traditional vows, we will not have them said to us & then repeated- they are coming straight from memory…and from the heart. Any tips on memorizing things??

So, in other news- guess what I bought yesterday???

I got the Nook Color!!!! So far I LOVE it. I cannot put it down! The reason that I decided to go ahead & purchase one of these e-readers is because I plan to get LOTS of use on it…and because I think it’s PERFECT for our honeymoon! Not only do we have a pretty long flight, but I think it will be perfect for reading by the pool and the beach.

I was planning on purchasing a bunch of books that you recommended…and once I started adding up the prices of the book individually, (&holy cow! why are books so darn expensive?! A paperback for $19.95?! Is that a joke?!) I figured that it would be a good idea to just go ahead & take the plunge & get the Nook Color.

Before I bought it though, I did a lot of research on it & the Kindle 3. I wasn’t sure what the features & benefits of each of them were, but after exploring Google for a while…I got my answer. Honestly, I probably could of gone with just the regular Nook, but honestly if I’m going to spend that kind of money, I mine as well just get the one I want.

Here are the advantages of the Nook Color over the Kindle 3 that I found:
1. You can ‘rent’ books from the library. (you cannot do that with the kindle)
2. You can ‘lend’ books to other people with a Nook.
3. It’s in COLOR!
4. It has a full web browser- I hear the other ones only have limited web browsing.
5. You can download any new software that they might come out with for the Nook, I read that you have to keep buying the Kindles- like Kindle 1, Kindle 2, Kindle 3, etc. because they do not let you download the latest software for it.
6. The convinence of going to Barnes & Noble to download their free weekly books- and there are Barnes & Nobles EVERYWHERE.

The advantages of the Kindle:
1. Cheaper
2. The battery life lasts longer.
3. Lighter (I think by like .2 ounces)

Again, these are just things that I read– please do NOT just go on my opinions if you are deciding what to buy. I hear that they are both really good & if you own either you love them. When I asked on Facebook & Twitter who preferred what, I got a mixed review of both- it’s either you are a Nook lover or Kindle lover.

Of course with my Nook, I had to get a cover…I’ll give ya one guess as to which color I picked….;)

I had a few connectivity problems when I first tried to use it…but then Craig helped me figure out what was wrong & it works perfectly now!

I cannot wait to play around with this more- I’m still trying to figure out all of the things you can do with it! I know that there is an app on it for Angry Birds.

I know SO MANY people who are addicted to that game! I don’t get why, but I guess I’ll have to play it to find out. πŸ™‚

Oh, I forgot to mention that this weekend I am also making a BUNCH of goodies for Craig’s co-workers for a brunch they are having on Monday. The company is actually going to pay me to cater it for them! I’m so excited to try out some new recipes & make some of my favorites . πŸ™‚ I will definitely be sharing some recipes with you soon!!!

I hope you have a great Friday! TGIF πŸ˜€

Questions before you go:
1. Do you have a Nook or a Kindle? What is your favorite part about it?
2. If you are married, how did you wear your hair- up or down? If you could go back, would you of changed your hair style or were you happy with it?
3. Are you doing anything fun this weekend?? Share it with me πŸ™‚

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  1. I’m super excited for you girl and I cannot wait to see photos! I would def go with hair up…that florida heat is brutal. I trust my hair stylist 100000% with everything too.

    I don’t have a kindle or nook…one day when I become more technology savvy.

  2. I love the hair looks-so pretty! I don’t have an e-reader but my mom does and really likes it:) I might get one sooner or later…who knows! I’m going to a race about all day tomorrow in Jacksonville so I hope it will be fun!

  3. Woohhoooo getting sooo close!! So excited for you. I’ve not played that game. My husband does though. Drives me nuts πŸ˜‰

  4. I love how that hair style looks! I think it will look so pretty on you! I can’t wait to see how it turns out! So crazy that you will be getting married next week! It’s coming so quickly! πŸ™‚

  5. I have a wedding this weekend πŸ˜‰ I think your hair will look great like that!

  6. briana

     /  May 20, 2011

    I was wondering where you are going on your honeymoon? We just booked ours yesterday and we are going to St Lucia, it looks so beautiful. I also have not decided which way to wear my hair either its a tough decision.

  7. Only one more week!! Ahhhh I’m so excited for you.
    I wore my hair down with the sides up and I loved it. I think the hairstyle totally depends on your dress. My hairstyle really complemented my gown. I got married in Italy in August which is the hottest month out there so I was worried my hair would be a mess and I would be too hot but I was actually perfect the entire day!

  8. Hooray! Wedding! πŸ™‚

    I have a Kindle 3. They do come out with software updates. I love how cheap everything is and how I can have multiple books at once in my bag without taking up the space of multiple books! I love that I can get free samples of books and loan/share books with other people.

  9. I am jealous of your nook – I want one! I am not married, but I feel like I’ll put my up….that is if it’s long enough. Tonight my friends and I are going to a baseball game – box tickets yeahhhhhh!

  10. I do have a kindle and I love it. It’s my best friend…kidding…sorta. I like that it’s light, no glare when reading outside, and battery lasts forever (w/ wifi off).

    As for my wedding, I wore my hair half up because I wanted VOLUME. I love poofy hair πŸ˜‰ I think the look you show is classic, lovely, and perfect for FL!

  11. I’m off to Williamsburg for a half marathon.. woohoo!

    I REALLY want a nook, but I’m worried about beach reading (where I do 90% of my reading anyway). Would I ruin it in the sand? I can’t wait to hear a review after you’ve had it for a while. πŸ™‚

    I def agree.. hair up is the way to go if you want to ensure it stays beautiful for your whole night.

  12. How cool! I want a nook so bad but I have so many other expenses these days 😦 Def think it was a worthwhile investment for the honeymoon!

    How nice that you get that Craig’s office is paying you to cater! New profession perhaps??

    I’m going to my BFF’s graduation this weekend. And I’ll be buying cupcakes for that graduation tonight. Yay!

  13. I think that hair style would look amazing on you! You have gorgeous blue eyes and I think they would pop with your hair back. I love the bit of poof it has at the top too, very classy!

  14. I have the Nook but didn’t know about the free books – do they post on their website somewhere which books are available in the store?

    I’m debating wearing my hair half up or compeltely up for my wedding… haven’t tried any specific styles yet!

  15. One week is nothing!! Hope you’re loving your kindle, I bet it’s amazing πŸ™‚
    Btw I love that hair style, I think it’s very modern and chic

  16. soooo excited for your wedding! i am dying to try the nook- i feel like itd be soo convenient! love the hair style- so classy!

  17. Amy @ countrystrong21

     /  May 21, 2011

    I’m pretty sure I am getting a Kindle for my birthday. I haven’t done any research on the Nook though. I’ve heard lots of good things about the Kindle though.

    I love the hair! I’m sure it will look awesome on you.

  18. Yeah for a Nook!!! Can’t wait to hear what you think of it after your honeymoon!

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