His & Her Meals

I did end up doing another workout this afternoon- I did 4.03 miles on the treadmill while catching up on the Biggest Loser ๐Ÿ™‚ Perfect way to run- it has some major motivation!
Negative Splits: 8:25, 8:11, 8:04, 7:52. Max heart rate: 200, Average: 173. Calories burned: 470

After my run I just did some ab stuff. I enjoyed doing a double workout today..although I know I couldn’t do it everyday, it would be too much.

When dinner time came around I was one HUNGRY girl! I don’t make beef much (because I don’t eat it), so I thought I would surprise Craig with a meal with beef! I went to Julie’s blog to find the perfect crock pot meat meal-ย Easy Crock Pot Beef. I knew if I used to crock pot to cook the beef, it would be pretty hard to mess it up ๐Ÿ˜‰

2 ingredient Crock Pot Beef

For my meal,ย I made some baked tofu that I had marinated this afternoon.

On the side I made noodles for both of us:

Noodles on the side

I also made some veggies to go along with my meal- my infamous steamer veggies ๐Ÿ™‚

Oh, and I made some whole wheat bread too- but I didn’t get a picture of that by itself.

Dinner is served:

HIS plate

HER plate

My plate- with sauce & parmesan ๐Ÿ™‚

That filled me right up! & Craig said that he really like the beef- I kept asking him thru out the meal what he thought…he probably wanted me to shut up so he could eat- haha ๐Ÿ™‚

Do you ever have a his & her meal night??

Now I’m off to spend some time with Craig- we are catching up on BOTH the NY Housewivesย & NJ Housewives & The Hills tonight- LOTS to catch up on ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚

Have a great night!!




This afternoon I was feeling a little different about what I wanted to have. I didn’t really want to eat anything..more drink something ๐Ÿ™‚ Do you ever have those days? So I made myself a Green Monster with lots of spinach, 1/2 scoop whey protein powder, 1 frozen banana, 1 tsp. peanut butter, some cocoa powder, water & lots of ice.

it is SO good- I have missed them!!

I also had a few pretzels while I made it..

For tonight’s dinner I am making it in the crock pot. So I went to the store this morning JUST for those Reynold’s crock pot liners that Julie always talks about. ๐Ÿ™‚

ย I love cooking in the crock pot because it is so easy..but the worst part is the clean up…so that is why I went out of my way to get those. Well, guess what I FORGOT to use??! Yes, the liner! I put everything into the crock pot & THEN realized what was missing….oops! Oh well, I have them for next time.

The crock pot is cookin'

I think this afternoon I will be doing another workout. I loveย two- a-day workouts!! I’m just feeling up for a good run, so why not?!? ๐Ÿ˜‰

Do you do two a day workouts ever??
I like to do them every now & then…but I have to be in the mood.

Interesting Interviews

Good Morning ๐Ÿ™‚

Today it was back to Making the Cut- Day 15. The one thing I’m not super fond of about the Making the Cut workouts is that some of the moves I have NEVER heard of..and there is not a picture with all of them- just a description. Don’t get me wrong, I love new moves, but I prefer to have them with a picture…or a video. For some of these I had to Google them or You-tube them…& some I could not even find online, so I had to do my best to figure them out with the description.

Circuit 1:

-Body Ball Push-ups- 10 reps

-Push-ups- perform until muscle failure

-Cable Leg Extensions- 10 reps on each leg

-Step Plyos- 1 minute

Circuit 2:

-Dumbbell Press on Body Ball- 10 reps alternating arms (5 reps each arm)

-Half-Crow Push Ups- 5 reps on each leg (start in push up position. Then bring your right knee forward and out to the side until it is off the floor & touching your right elbow. Perform a push up in this position, then bring foot back to the start. Switch legs)

-Harpies- 20 reps (Start in plank position, but place feet shoulder-width apart with a platform or step just in front of your feet. Keep your upper body stable, jump up onto the step, keeping your legs as straight as possible thru out the movement)

-Jump Squats- 10 reps

-Warrior Pose with Tricep Press- 30 seconds on each leg

Circuit 3:

-Dips-(use machine) perform until muscle failure

-Hanging Abs- 15 reps each side (hang and bring knee up to ceiling)

-Static Lunges with Lateral Shoulder Raise- 10 reps on each leg (bring arms out from sides)

-Side Step Plyos- 1 minute

Circuit 4:

-Pike Push-ups- 10 reps

-Squat & Military shoulder press- 10 reps

-Dropsies- 8 reps on each leg (Start by standing on a platform or workout bench, your feet hip-width apart. Take your right leg, and hold it back behind your body & off the bench. In slow motion, lower your body down toward the ground until your right foot is hovering about 2 inches off the floor. Do NOT let your foot touch the floor. Then with your left leg, press your body back up to the starting position)

-Jump Rope- 1 minute

Circuit 5:

-Bench Dips with feet on body ball- 20 reps

-Bicycle Crunches- 30 scissors

-Plank Twists- 20 reps on each side

-Boat Pose- hold for 30 seconds

-Bosu Ball Crunches- 50 reps

-V-sit ups- 10 reps

-V-crunches- 10 reps
I added the last three things in circuit 5- I just like adding ab stuff (surprise, surprise!). I did all of these circuits TWICE & then I did a quick run on the treadmill- 5 minutes at 6.5 speed..and then a 1 minute 3.5 speed walk cool down.

Max heart rate: 186, Average: 141, Calories burned: 420ย 

For breakfast I made 2 egg whites with spinach, alternative blueberry bagel with strawberry jelly, & some strawberries & blackberries on the side.

egg whites & spinach


Fresh berries!

I also had to stock up on my Alternative Bagels– I was out- YIKES!

I don’t know if anyone else caught Opera yesterday, but it was SO good- it was really interesting. She had an interview with Laura Ling- the reporter who was sentenced to 12 years of labor for crossing the North Korean line. Thankfully she was able to return to the United States after Bill Clinton spoke with the leader of North Korea. I remember this event–>

when the reporters returned home to their families. They were over there for 5 months!!!!!!!!! But the interview that Opera did was really good because it gave more insight to the SCARY SCARY lives that people live there. So sad ๐Ÿ˜ฆ

The second part of her interview was about a family that adopted a little girl from Haiti- which was also really touching- I actually teared up a bit. Anyways, yesterday’s show was definitely a “feel good” kind of show.

Hope you have a great day- catch ya later ๐Ÿ˜‰